Transforming Your Heart Through God’s Word

Praying Scripture: Transforming Your Heart Through God’s Word

January 17, 20251 min read

Transform Your Heart: The Power of Praying Scripture

How do we pray Scripture?

For me, it was a process of learning by reading great books from authors like Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer. Next, I bought a notebook and began to write down  Scriptures to read out loud every day. Then, as the Holy Spirit began to draw my heart closer to God through those texts I began to speak and sometimes write out those beautiful words of God as prayers. This process opened my heart up to a deeper place with Scripture and with prayer.

The Power of Praying Scripture

Here’s one to get you started:

“Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, The Passion Translation)

The Scripture as a prayer:

God I thank you that you have filled me with Your love. Because I have been changed by Your presence my love for others is large and incredibly patient. It is gentle and consistently kind to everyone I meet.

I want to challenge you to pray this prayer every morning for a month and see how praying these Words of God changes how you love.

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